Riced Out Yugo
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Mr. The Plague: You are not unheard of around these parts
T: ?
Mr. The Plague: max flaps, hissss
Mr. The Plague: do you remember when
Mr. The Plague: obviously you do not
T: . . .
Mr. The Plague: Like I said.
Mr. The Plague: You do not.
T: Remind me?
Mr. The Plague: let me assure you that it was wonderful
Mr. The Plague: and will always be remembered in the annals of history that all has failed
Mr. The Plague: failed gloriously and with hats
Mr. The Plague: the situation did not degrade gracfeully from there, no it did not
T: . . .
Mr. The Plague: and this, ladies and women, is why 2006 won't be like 1984.
T: Is it possible for you to have even one normal conversation? :P
Mr. The Plague: the 10*10^6 monetary unit question
Mr. The Plague: What do you think?
T: I think it is, but you choose not to.
T: :P
Mr. The Plague: Enlighten me with the shining light of your wisdom
Mr. The Plague: You are incorrect.
T: Aww.
Mr. The Plague: I can prove it via induction
Mr. The Plague: And you cannot disprove
T: I'm listening? =^^=
Mr. The Plague: it was the worst of times, and it was the even worst of times.
Mr. The Plague: Therefore, for all worst greater than 1, worst+1 = worst+1+1, QED, bitch.
T: Impressive.
Mr. The Plague: this is an important convention in LITHP programming
Mr. The Plague: you better pay attention or you will recieve an L in the course and forfiet your credit hours
T: Aww.
Mr. The Plague: Wait till you see the system console print out 'panic kernel mode interrupt', don't come crying on my shoulder, mkay
***Mr. The Plague cackles evilly
Mr. The Plague: I should find a vulnerability in every program you use, just to be irritating
Mr. The Plague: especially fuzzball muck and/or tinyfugue
Mr. The Plague: oooh that would be so much fun
Mr. The Plague: Last time Lumpy spammed furrymuck, it crashed with a segmentation violation. wrote
Mr. The Plague: Microwave/toaster yiff
Mr. The Plague: I know what you're thinking
Mr. The Plague: You're thinking 'has pi jumped off the deep end'
Mr. The Plague: huh
Mr. The Plague: do you feel lucky
T: I do.
Mr. The Plague: WRONG
Mr. The Plague: Must pass the Treasury Enforcement Agent.
Mr. The Plague: oh yes, yes I must
Mr. The Plague: oh so much fun
Mr. The Plague: Dave, are you still there? Dave? What are you doing, Dave?
Mr. The Plague:
HAL 9000

T: . . .
Mr. The Plague: What's he gonna do next? The suspense is killing you!
Mr. The Plague: Is he going to suddenly snap and become vaguely coherent agian?
Mr. The Plague: Probably not!
Mr. The Plague: Welcome to bantown
T: Heheh.
Mr. The Plague: This is not a laughing matter, cocksmoker
Mr. The Plague: this is serious
Mr. The Plague: Good morning
Mr. The Plague: I have woken up nice and refreshed.
Mr. The Plague: We feel like Trelane, from Q Squared.
Mr. The Plague: Have you read Q Squared?
Mr. The Plague: Let me summarize Trelane for you.
Mr. The Plague: He has touched the Heart of the Storm; chaos left over from the beginning of the universe.
Mr. The Plague: And gains the ability to collapse the boundaries between paralell time tracks.
Mr. The Plague: Can you see why I feel like Trelane?
Mr. The Plague: Can you relate to who I can relate to?
Mr. The Plague: .... Your hearing isn't too good. Maybe you should take off your glasses.
T: Maybe.
Mr. The Plague: Are all of you this numb to the world?
Mr. The Plague: I know only one or two of me is.
Mr. The Plague: You are probably one of those normal people who only are one
Mr. The Plague: but I are many.
Mr. The Plague: The jury is out on whether or not this is a feature or a disadvantage.
Mr. The Plague: So many of us think it's a feature, so few of me are opposed.
Mr. The Plague: Have I sufficiently alienated yet intrigued you, or should I be more sufficient?
T: Heheh.
Mr. The Plague: (00:03:41) T: Heheh.
Mr. The Plague: (00:12:51) T: Heheh.
Mr. The Plague: Stupid editors
T: Indeed.
Mr. The Plague: Well, sombrero.
Mr. The Plague: Time to HAT the HAT HAT if you HAT my HAT.
Mr. The Plague: Why are you coming back with single-word replies
Mr. The Plague: Just think
T: Because there's not much else to say.
Mr. The Plague: I have pushed millions of electrons down channels in my brain in order to bring you these words
Mr. The Plague: and you treat them like they are a mere oddity
Mr. The Plague: when you should be looking deeper
Mr. The Plague: This tragic feeling of having turned gold to stone
Mr. The Plague: does it not intrigue? inspire? illuminate?
Mr. The Plague: Or should it just
Mr. The Plague: go away?
Mr. The Plague: JanetRDanceParty?
Mr. The Plague: Hm?
Mr. The Plague: All the effort, all the time
Mr. The Plague: thrown away for one word replies
T: Perhaps, perhaps not.
Mr. The Plague: I haven't seen a damned thing to indicate othrwise
T: What would you like to see?
Mr. The Plague: I don't know
Mr. The Plague: that's up to you
Mr. The Plague: recursion, contradiction, elephants.
Mr. The Plague: Good, isn't it?
Mr. The Plague: see
Mr. The Plague: herein lies the final phenomenon of deterioration.
T: Yes . . . ?
Mr. The Plague: You want to know what I want, so you can give it to me, right
Mr. The Plague: Life doesn't work like that
Mr. The Plague: I can see what you don't want people to see
Mr. The Plague: and it's all because
Mr. The Plague: of one word
***Mr. The Plague cackles
T: That's not quite what I want.
Mr. The Plague: maniacally, in fact
T: And what's that word?
Mr. The Plague: I can sense you are feigning interest
Mr. The Plague: perhaps that is what you think I want?
Mr. The Plague: You still haven't gotten it, have you?
Mr. The Plague: Marvelous, really
Mr. The Plague: almost beautiful in a sickening way
Mr. The Plague: I am ensickened.
Mr. The Plague: The barriers between two universes
Mr. The Plague: so fragile
Mr. The Plague: yet so resilient
Mr. The Plague: I am amused at the ease of which we can transfer between.
Mr. The Plague: and the minute effort it takes to rend
T: :: smiles a bit ::
Mr. The Plague: do I amuse you
T: Yes. Very much, actually. You spit out seemingly utterly random things, yet, when I read them and think about them, there's usually some overbearing idea being expressed that has genuine merit.
Mr. The Plague: Then you miss the point of the exercise
Mr. The Plague: DISSONANCE
Mr. The Plague: ENTROPY
T: You still intrigue m.
T: me&
Mr. The Plague: Obviously not.
Mr. The Plague: How can you stand there and deny it
T: I'm good at it.
Mr. The Plague: Not very
T: Sorry. I'll try to do better.
Mr. The Plague: I could give a shit
T: For now, though, I need to go to sleep. I miss hanging out with you, sweetheart. I actually do mean that.
Mr. The Plague: I'm sure.
Mr. The Plague: have a nice nap
T: :: smiles and shrugs :: . . . all I can do is tell you the truth. Belief or disbelief lies with you.
Mr. The Plague: You did not witness the cosmic meltdown?
Mr. The Plague: It was a glorious event
Mr. The Plague: let me assure you that it was wonderful
T: Ok.
Mr. The Plague: this only goes to show
Mr. The Plague: that you did indeed not remember
Mr. The Plague: And we find myself back at square one, as it were.
T: Or perhaps I just don't know specifically what you're referring to.
Mr. The Plague: English needs better words for pluralized singulars.
Mr. The Plague: This "I" bullshit doesn't cut it for us.
Mr. The Plague: You don't know 'specifically' what I'm referring to?
Mr. The Plague: I have not referred to anything specific
Mr. The Plague: that's the beauty of it
T: I don't seem to find myself off-the-bat assuming that I have influenced anything in any way at all. So, if it has to do with something I did, then I'm going to not figure it out.
T: Anyway. Bed.
Mr. The Plague: hahahhaha
Posted by ...my name. is. THE PLAGUE @ 2006-01-20 01:48:00
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