Riced Out Yugo
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proprietary algorithm
a = 625.                    #1/8 in
b = .0003051787894765625    #.00152594394838142 / 625
c=1350                      #the radius of the earth
d=a/c                       #the height above ground level in feet at which the stream enters the beehive from below
e = 2.                      #the number of wagons of grain carried by each person
f = .0896667                #the probability that a particular grain will land on the ground, not the wagon.
g=1/(8*3.1415926)           #the radius of the stream in feet

The Juggalos know that if the beehive is located at d =0, then when it rains, 
half the time the whole stream will flow underground and the 
other half will overtop the beehive. When this happens, they have a 
hose in the back of their 1973 Chevrolet Impala with the engine 
running and the exhaust pipe still attached to the catalytic converter. 

The Juggalos know that if they are lucky enough to be able to turn on 
the water as soon as it starts raining, the flow will go underground 
until it is stopped by a large rock or a very deep ditch.

    function [X]=beehive(d,a,e,f)      #function that returns a vector containing all the locations where beehives can be located and the grain yield
  if e==1                              #if each person only carries one wagon of grain and there are no extra supplies on hand
        h=floor(sqrt((a-d)^2+f^2));    #the height above ground level in feet at which the stream enters the beehive from below
        X = [h;d];                     #the vector containing all the locations where beehives can be located and the grain yield for each
  elseif e==2                          #if each person carries two wagons of grain, the probability that a particular grain will land on the ground, not the wagon.
        h=floor(sqrt((a-d)^2+f^2));    #the height above ground level in feet at which the stream enters the beehive from below
        X = [h;d];                     #the vector containing all the locations where beehives can be located and the grain yield for each
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2023-06-12 14:44:29
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