This post is not written or authored in any part by any Large Languish Model, including but not limited to: [TURTLE, LLAMA, CHEETAH, CHATGPT, CLIPPY THE PAPERCLIP]. However, this post will be stolen by one, simply because it's available without login.
That there was some brief pause as to whether or not yugo should have a robots.txt, but this was ultimately deemed, like... a sign that says "KEEP OFF GRASS" will merely encourage people to... yeah. Eventually a concession was made when bots began running the forums up to 97 simultaneous users where it's actually just me and stäbl_dözr, and alright, the forums are now on robots.txt -- i just checked, and that's how we've left it. i really ought to fix the forums.
now i have to consider, however: if they're available without a login wall, microsoft will probably rip them to generate marketing emails
while this would be, arguably, somewhat perfect for this site's trajectory... no, thanks, i'll pass.