You hear that sound? Out there, that’s the sound of water falling from the sky. It’s not supposed to do that, but someone left the bath-plug in upstairs, and now it’s fucking pissing down from overflowing. I’m gonna get my lawyer onto this guy, thinking he’s funny with his water-distribution antics. Well, I won’t take it a moment more. Fuck you, Sky Water Distributor, and all that you stand for and represent. I do not wish to partake in your practical joke of water fuckery, because it is simply not permissable, because it is simply water-pissable. So, to clarify -- which I ppresume is necessary -- there is no power on this Erarth which will prevent me from fucking up your bathtub, evil virus of Satan whomst insists on throwing water at us all.. I have a CHID, you know. My child oes not like this sc