I power up the rocket ship, I setup my rendezvous trajectory with the purveyor of fine green materials. I am distracted by a EXTXT secure COMINT, it contains details of an anomaly. By chance a random human variable path had led me back to a 70s psychedelia film, I had passed the recommendation onto Albert due to style familiarties. The communiqué detailed a vision of Itself, another parallel oddity in the continuum. I realise I am awake, I see a purple energy field in space spiralling into a rift. Abandoning slumber I quietly make my way to my VESTRAX ELITE computer terminal. Jeez, the less petite variety of girl had its advantages, not so great on storage though. Hibernated mode should increase that efficiency a bit only time will tell. The middle of the night provides a subtle chill to the studio so I don a crown & robe in royal colours. An encrypted window is waiting for me: “You are but a cog in the machine, a valuable party teamed with the ethereal” (sender: unknown). My instruments tell me that a dangerous mental fog is being blown in this direction, I lock down the base and setup HQ for long term “keep calm and carry on”. Three beeps cut through the darkness, it's about the time for lockdown containment protocol. With my beaker of peppermint tea and spiced inhalation stick the chronicles of 1701-D roll on.