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this post has been multiplexed for optimum wat impedance. please adjust your degroggulators civicly.
plor plee ploe plod plode plim plam plumb plam prim prap pleep plorp blew blap brim blam beer boobs beak butts nice niece needs nuts guns hoes pimps bows warfare joes bombs nuns peeps blows yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaa boi
heat hot heat high hello how r u high how r u how hi how r u hi how r u high how are u high how r u u u u u u q q q q u u u u uq quququ badger penis infarction breaktdown heat hot heat high hello how cow now brown sugar unh huh so funky
deal no deal deal no deal deal no deal fifty-fifty. fifty-fifty. fifty-fifty. i hope you didn't kill anyone i know for it. i happen to have a chance cube. the boy's good, no doubts there. i'm a [ethnic], mind tricks donna work-a! nubian, eh? we got plenny uh dat!! euigh *flapflapflap*
fing fang fingity fangity fingity fungity fuegeitty froggity flibbity flabbity gibbity gobbity goobity grabbity geebity gorbity chobbiqule qrodzroggitty. the fing. the fing. the fing. the fing. your fing. my fing. your fing. my fing. our fing. our fing. our fing. fing. fing. fing. fing. ding
melt melt mmelt mmmelllt meltltltettt melmmmllett m mmmleltlet mmmmmmmmeletlle memtmmmmm enmmmmmmm nmemt mtemre toemmt erm etop oemmet oetmemletr o oerpme,r opo oemt oet oemletetytt oetmmmoet oemteojte loetrsmml oetmser,emrl otemselt34oel osemle tl; oe;serm oemselete soemsoetletr oemletete omlette oemelette ofmmmletete fffuuuu
why win when wheels will wring winning within with wheels within wheels within winning within winning when why win wheels when win wheels will will win win wheels will smith will smith will wiggy win wiggy win wiggy wiggy wild wiggly wiggly wild wiggy wiggy will wmsmith will wmsmith
the theoretical probability of a dolphin perceiving the humor in a dirty limerick has become a hot topic of debate after an oxford don unveiled a small volume of joshing, erotic poetry purportedly penned by a genuine pesky porpoise.
ping pong pliddle ploddle plumb plimp plomp plump plurpimstance purplestein peeplezorper pladdlefeist pliddlegonne plinkletinger plottlezorker platzklepinkie peepleforster pfllsdf kklsdfklsgldkfmglkdfmgk HALP THIS TRYYYPRPRPNM MUSTS TENRENDFMASDJFsdf sdfsdnfmksd plink plimp plomp sriogftjsdfi9ogjdio ppppppppppppppppppppppp
k q z q k q u q u q n q 1 q 2 q 3 q u q 4 q u q 5 9 q u 10 12 q u 12 q 12 q 12 q 12 q 12 q 12 q why not you too 12 q 12 q why not you too 12 q 12 q hair grue apostrophe krew hair q 12 grue hair 2 apostrophe q hate gown in the hatespittle q q q q q q q u. q
check tech. czech tech. check czech tech. check czech tech one two one two sed czeck baby czech gravy thorp one two said derp baby herp baby derp baby hair grue sed derp dpq rrrrrrrr it is not supposed to ipod on the floor. why does it ipod on the floor. this is not allowed. czeck baby. mommy babby floor not allowed. CZECH BABBY. one two
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2014-05-29 06:32:46
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