Riced Out Yugo
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indigo walrus virus causes mahjkong tim toinvoke proper ú3
SO yeah i WASN just sittin here in ntheis bar and I was lijkme omgz wtf is that ahnd it's like mthis fuckin' peice of shit 5thing .5.5.5 likemm hfb and da crew are ballin outa control an ghit shit *** I mean and like thyeb are saying "SHIT MAHJOLNG YOU R VE GOT TO GETT OUTDSM OF HERE SU IKNO"
br shit breakline, breaklne... get it together

So yeah
I was like "SHIT HFB NI CAN'T LEAVE DA CKREW SUMTHINZ GOIN DOWN SNIGGAS!!!11111". I likme proper pronounced the fuk,ion 1s in that Wat the the timenshit. but yeah I walsijme fuckin # nKILLYOUALL mothjeruckers! and shit , tiwas cool bcuse hyperfukbotz was like WHOA SHIT MAN gdfi954hn and it was like shut,
,brttjdibrbr br br tag br
Posted by Mahjong The Wisest @ 2007-08-27 20:54:00
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