Riced Out Yugo
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To: Technology companies
From: Consumers
Subject: HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray


  • Most people pirate their movies anyways, so they don't have to sit through a minute or two of WARNINGs.
  • DVD is already higher quality than we need. When we're watching Shit Blow Up, we don't need to see every wrinkle on Bruce Willis's left sock. We're diehard apathetics. In fact, if we saw any more detail in Trinity's leather in the Matrix, we might realize she's actually human, and wearing a lot of makeup. This will, obviously, cause sales to plummit.
  • We only got DVD players a year or two ago, or just use our computers. We're expected to toss almost-new gear? As eco-friendly lads and lasses, we resent sending functional equipment to a landfill. Also, we're broke, skint, or still in debt from buying the fucking DVDs and DVD players.
  • The DVDs we do own play just fine, thank you. Why should we buy them over again?
  • Copy-protection and DRM is for assholes. We ain't buyin' it unless it's open.



Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2007-08-22 17:51:00
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